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Setting up Google Analytics

Setting up Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a great tool to monitor the traffic of your website. This guide will show you how you can create your Google Analytics account and link it to your Portal website.

Create a Google Account

To use Google Analytics, you will first need to have a google account. You can sign up for a Google account here. You do not have to have a Google email to do this. Once you have completed the first step of the sign up form you will need to enter the code you will recieve via the email you have signed up with.

Create a Google Analytics Account

Now you have created your Google account and are logged in, you canhead over to Google Analytics to setup your account.

  1. Account Setup - Add an account name, it is not important as to what you name this. You can name it after your website or your author name! Select your data sharing preferences below which suit you best.
  2. Property Setup - A property just means a website! Set the property name as your website name, however it does not have to be exact, it is just a reference! Timezones and currency can also be configured to your country too.
  3. About your business - Fill out the remaining fields, these aren't too important either, so don't worry too much about them!
  4. Once you are happy with the information you have added, click the 'Create' button and read and accept the terms of service.

Now you have set up your Google Analytics account, and a 'property' which will be dedicated to your website.

Creating a data stream

Now you have a Google Analytics account, you should be prompted to add a data stream (see the screenshot below). This just means a way to transfer analytics data from your website to Google Analytics.

Google Analytics dashboard

In the box where it asks us to choose a platform, select Web. Now you will need to add the URL of the website. It is important that your URL starts at 'www' and everything thereafter is included. Your domain can be found by heading to your website homepage and copying the domain from the top of your browser. You will also be asked to add a stream name, again this is not important and is used as a reference. You can name this 'Your website'.

Google Analytics datastream

Once you have entered your website's URL and a stream name you can click Create stream.

Add the measurement ID to your website

Now you have created your datastream, a measurement ID has been generated for us. This can be found in the top right of the screen after creating your stream. This measuerment ID will need to be sent to the developer, in order for them to add it to your website.

Viewing your analytics

Now your Google Analytics is set up, let's head to your Google Analytics dashboard so you can start monitoring your page visitors. You may not see any information on Google analytics for the first 24 hours as it can take time to update. If you have multiple Google Analytics accounts or properties you can select the correct one at the top of the page.

If you are struggling to set up your Google analytics account please contact us.